Contemporary art sculpture in the coast road

In the year 2021, Rapa Nui was moving towards its first year without tourism activity, which had allowed the territory to remain free of COVID-19. This milestone was celebrated by international organizations that highlighted the application of ancestral concepts by Mayor Pedro Edmunds Paoa.

It had just been confirmed that the first Tāpati Festival would take place without tourists. It is in this context that the municipal administrator and head of the organizing committee, Aka Haŋa RapuTukipro, reported on the creative process initiated by some of the most prominent sculptors on the island to add coastal sculptures inspired by the great milestones of Rapa Nui's history.

Later, thanks to a collaborative alliance with CONADI Rapa Nui, the outdoor exhibition of contemporary art sculptures launched a unique cultural celebration marked by family reunions, where the work of local carvers became a topic of discussion across the territory.

Today, the coastline bears witness to those days when the island turned towards itself. There are over 30 sculptures located from the market on the main street Atamu Tekena, all along the coast from Haŋa vare-vare, Haŋa Roa, to Moeroa.

The sculptures were crafted by various Rapa Nui sculptors, including Ruso Hey, Robinson Tepano, Pau Hereveri, Petero Hucke, Mahatu de Ricke Atan, Sandra Atán Tevo Pakarati, Nano Haoa, Petero Hey, among others.

Among the materials used, notable carvings include red scoria, hani-hani in the Rapa Nui language, wood, and basalt. The theme of each creation tells a story that enhances our historical heritage, such as life at sea, gods, characters from oral tradition, ancestors, or Tupuna.

We invite you to explore this gallery and be amazed by the art that conveys legends and stories of Rapa Nui.