
Te pito o te henua or Rapa Nui is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, more than 3,700 km from the coast of mainland Chile. Rapa Nui has a moderate subtropical oceanic climate throughout the year, characterized by pleasant temperatures, little seasonal variation, and precipitation around 1100mm.

Annual average: Between 17°C and 24°C.
Seasons: The differences between seasons are marked. In summer (December to February), the average temperature is around 22°C to 28°C, while in winter (June to August) it drops to about 17°C to 20°C.
Extreme highs: Daily maximum temperatures generally range between 27°C and 29°C.
Extreme lows: Nights tend to be cool, with minimum temperatures around 9°C to 12°C.

Annual average: Around 1,100 mm. Which month has the most rain?
Seasonality: Precipitation is variable throughout the year.
Daily precipitation: Rainfall on average tends to be occasional, 2 to 3 mm per day, in extreme situations it could exceed 50mm.
Humidity: Relative humidity is high throughout the year, with an average close to 80%.

Winds: The wind varies in all directions, with average speeds of 20 to 30 km/h and in extreme cases between 70 - 80km/h.
Gusts: Stronger wind gusts can be experienced, especially between May and September.

Solar radiation:
Annual average of sun and UV: Rapa Nui enjoys abundant sunshine, with an average of 2,500 hours of sun per year with a UV index of 14 to 15 between October and March, and the rest of the year varies between 5 to 10.
Special weather conditions:

Depending on the phenomenon, we could experience abundant precipitation that could exceed 200 to 300mm per month.
Storms: Thunderstorms are infrequent but can occur during winter.
Weather: Depending on the phenomenon, in addition to rain, the wind can experience values between 70 and 90 km/h.
In general, the climate of Rapa Nui is pleasant and predictable, making it an ideal destination to visit year-round.

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